TELEPHONE: +353 91 501 610
REGULATED: MAPFRE ASISTENCIA Compania Internacional De Seguros Y Reaseguros, S.A., trading as MAPFRE ASSISTANCE Agency Ireland (Company Registration number 903874) and Insure and Go Ireland, is authorised and regulated by Direccion General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones del Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda in Spain and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules.
CODE OF CONDUCT: InsureandGo Ireland is subject to and complies with the Consumer Protection Code and the Minimum Competency Code. These Codes of Conduct offer protection to Consumers and can be found on the Central Bank of Ireland’s website at
REGULATED ACTIVITIES: InsureandGo Ireland provides travel insurance to consumers situated in the Republic of Ireland.
CHARGES: The charge for our services is the premium (including government levies and taxes). If any additional transaction(s) result in an increase in the transactional & administrative costs, these costs may be incurred by you; online administration handling fee, call centre handling fee and postage costs. Some of these charges are variable and are incurred per transaction. Particulars of specific charges will be detailed in your policy documentation.
PERSONAL DATA: InsureandGo Ireland complies with the Data Protection Act 1988 & 2003 as amended, (the ‘Acts’). You may have entitlements under the Acts to inspect all personal information held on file by Insure and Go Ireland upon request and to require Insure and Go Ireland to correct any errors of fact that may exist. All requests should be forwarded to the address above. The information that you provide will be used to manage the administration of your policy, including underwriting and claims & will be processed and disclosed in accordance with the Acts. The information provided may also be used to notify you of products and services we may offer from time to time. When you request a quote you may receive a phone call, SMS and/or email in relation to that quote. There may also be a need to contact you for the purposes of discussing renewal terms of an existing policy with us or any other query directly related to an existing policy with us. We would like to contact you by way of letter, email, telephone call and/or SMS. You have the option to decline to receive further marketing information from us. If you wish to exercise this opt out option please write to the Data Protection Officer at the address above. Calls may be recorded or monitored for training and verification purposes. Full Data Protection details can be found with your policy document should you purchase insurance with us.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: It is the policy of InsureandGo Ireland to avoid any conflict of interests when providing products or services to our consumers. However, where an unavoidable conflict of interest arises, we will advise you of this in writing before proceeding to provide any service. If you have not been advised of any such conflict, you are entitled to assume that none arises.
CONSUMER DEFAULT: Failure to pay your premium or part thereof or any breach of your policy conditions may lead to your policy being revoked or cancelled. This may also lead to all claims being made null and void.
COMPLAINTS: Any complaint that you may have in relation to a product or service that Insure and Go Ireland may provide should be made in writing to the Complaints Department, Ireland Assist House 22-26 Prospect Hill Galway, +353 91 501 610. All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 business days. You will be offered the opportunity to treat any oral complaint as a written complaint. The complaint will be fully investigated by InsureandGo Ireland and we will endeavour resolve the complaint as quickly as possible however if this is not possible we will provide written updates at intervals of not greater than 20 business days If the complaint is not resolved within the prescribed timeframe of 40 business days, we will inform you of the anticipated timeframe for resolution and your right to refer the matter to the Financial Service Ombudsman’s Bureau. In the event that you are dissatisfied with InsureandGo Ireland’s handling of the complaint or the outcome of the investigation you are entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau, 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2.
AUTOMATIC RENEWAL: To make sure you have continuous cover under your Policy, We will aim to automatically renew (auto-renew) your Policy when it runs out, unless you tell us not to. Each year we will notify you by email and/or in writing at least 31 days before the renewal date of your Policy. We will notify you about any changes to the Premium or to the terms and conditions of the Policy in writing at least 31 days before the changes take effect. If you do not want us to auto-renew your Policy, please write to us at the address above or call InsureandGo Ireland on 091 545 904. If you do not contact us, we will collect the renewal premiums from our credit card or debit card. Please note that your renewed Policy will only be valid when: (1) You have told us about any changes to your Policy details (including any changes in health conditions) as you will still be required to contact the medical screening company to declare any Pre-Existing Medical Conditions; (2) Your credit card or debit card details have not changed. In some cases we may not be able to automatically renew your Policy and we will let you know at the time if this is the case. For the facilitation of the auto renewal service we are entitled to assume that your details have not changed and you have the permission of the credit card or debit card holder unless you inform us otherwise. You can conduct changes to your Policy details or opt out of automatic renewal by writing to us at the address above or by calling InsureandGo Ireland on 091 545 904.
CANCELLATION RIGHTS: If the cover does not meet your requirements, you have a right to withdraw from your insurance policy within 14 days of the latest of: the starting date of cover or the date on which you receive the full terms and conditions of your Policy. You may exercise this right by notifying us in writing and returning all your documentation for a refund of your premium. You should refer to the precise terms of your policy.
PERIOD OF INSURANCE: The period of the contract of insurance is as specified in your Policy Certificate or Renewal Notice
COMPENSATION: InsureandGo Ireland is covered by the Insurance Compensation Fund Ireland established under the Insurance Act 1964 which has been amended by the Insurance (Amendment) Act 2011. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and circumstances of the claim. The total amount that may be paid out of the fund in respect of any sum due to a person under a policy shall not exceed 65% of the sum due to the policyholder or €825,000 whichever is less. Further information about compensation fund arrangements is available from
GOVERNING LAW: The laws of Ireland apply to all InsureandGo products and services and the Irish Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes that may arise.
LANGUAGE: Communications between you and us will be in English.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This Terms of Business document is effective from 1 November 2014.